Turf Loader v0.4 Sider module PES 2019 - by Baris

cesped pes 2019

Injects randomly a turf based on the given probabilities for a team (see map_teams.csv)
Supports summer and winter turf (only “Estadio del Nuevo Triunfo” contains winter turfs)
Summer, Fine: muddy or sandy turf
Summer, Rain: muddy turf
Winter, Fine: muddy turf
Winter, Rain: muddy turf
Winter, Snow: snowy turf
You can add as many pitch textures and turf withers as you want
Turf withers can be used for all stadiums, therefore they are some kind of generic

Current version: 0.4
Minimum version of Sider required: 5.1.0

1) Install sider 5.1.0 (or higher)
2) Copy folders “content” and “modules” to your PES2019 directory and overwrite the directories. No files of sider will be overwritten.
3) Add the following line to your sider.ini:
lua.module = “TurfLoaderForTeams.lua”

juce and nesa24 for sider
zlac and Hawke for writing lua modules (which have inspired this module)
Chuny for his turf modding tutorial (which have inspired me creating new turfs)

- For Turf Modders:
Respect the following folder structure:
you’ll need to copy files per stadium:
content urf-loaderpitchesst ormal
e.g.: content urf-loaderpitchesst017 ormalv1
add the new path to map_pitches.csv:
e.g. turf-loaderpitchesst017 ormalv1

- How to add new turf withers:
Respect the following folder structure:
copy the files to this location:
content urf-loader urf_withers\
e.g. content urf-loader urf_withersmuddyrighter
add the new path to map_pitches.csv:
e.g. turf-loader urf_withersmuddyrighter
note: type can be only: “muddy”, “sandy”, “snowy”

- How to add it to Evo Switcher?
You just have to put
lua.module = “TurfLoaderForTeams.lua”?
in your sider.ini and then play a match e.g. with Galatasaray in Estadio del Nuevo Triunfo, since Galatasaray got a 100% probability for muddy/snowy turf (see map_teams.csv). As I said already, I haven’t fully done the map_teams.csv, which “controls” which teams should get a muddy/snowy turf.

* Screenshots (Estadio del Nuevo Triunfo)

Supported Stadiums
Metropole Arena (st013)
Estádio do Morumbi (st014)
Estadio Urbano Caldeira (st016)
Estadio del Nuevo Triunfo (st017)
Burg Stadion (st020)
Konami Stadium (st029)
Estadio Campeones (st043)
Sport Park (st045)
Sao Januario (st059)
Sükrü Saracoglu Stadium (st066)

Autor: Baris
Plataforma: Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 PC
Tamaño: 260,00 MB
Agregado el: 13-12-2018 07:45:58
Descargas: 267
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