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Descargas Winning Eleven 9 PS2 Traducciones

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  • Descarga  Traducción al español -by Romcol

    WE9 - SP Traduction [by Romcol] (05/08/2005)


    Tamaño: 0 bytes
    Agregado el: 2005-08-06 21:14:08
    Descargas: 6498
    Página de Inicio

  • Descarga  Fernando WE9 English v1

    This is a so called 100% at least for the common player. Until i get back with some time and do all the nippon Challenge and some few things more.

    - All translated including Formation.
    Master League
    Edit Mode
    Match Mode
    Cup Mode
    League Mode
    - National Teams names Translated
    - Stadiums translated but could be wrong.
    - Included Text in TXS.
    - Only Argentina players are in englsih. Sorry thats only i can do for now.
    - Fixed shit here and there.
    - Done some para file stuff with Argentina. Won't listen to cry babies on this...

    bla bla bla....
    You know me...

    Tamaño: 598 bytes
    Agregado el: 2005-08-05 02:26:30
    Descargas: 2026
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