Kits Desempryptados

"Link for .bin files only for those who know how to use AFS Explorer and regenerate the 0_text.afs file to increase space.

All uniforms included (including Leeds and Fenebahce for the last Wolf 3.0 patch).

Make sure you use the very latest version of AFS Explorer otherwise the afs file will corrupt.

If you insert these kits you do not need to use KitServer program and the bug in ML training is gone. The textures are also slightly better quality for the uniforms and should not affect CPU/Graphics Card performance as no overlapping of textures is required.

The algorithms have been sent to Tato to put into the next version of WE Pic Decoder & AFS Explorer.

Thanks to Yannick for decrypting the .bin files."

bueno, basicamente lo que dice el es que ya han logrado desemcryptar esos archivos y que ya vendran en las futuras versiones del Afs Explorer y el WE picture decoder...

Tambien nos da 2 link torrent para descargar todas las equipaciones en .bin para no tener que ocupar mas el Kit Server...todas las equipaciones del Patch Furry 3.0

Esto es una gran noticia si que a esperar que ya se nos vienen las nuevas versiones del Afs Explorer y el WEpicture decoder

Noticia enviada por: cena

Noticia publicada: 19-12-2004

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