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Descargas Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 PC Herramientas Edición

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  • Descarga  Selector Tool v3.1 PES 2015 - by Ginda01

    edicion pes 2015

    Novedades v3.1:

    - Bugs corregidos

    Music Converter and Relink Features:
    - Convert .mp3 to .hca
    - Auto relink to selected playlist (Renaming old playlist with new playlist)
    - Fill the fields artist and title automatically
    - Sample Rate Options
    - Can play your music with double click on music list

    - Se instala en la carpeta de PES 2015.

    Tamaño: 3,93 MB
    Agregado el: 2015-03-14 23:39:19
    Descargas: 636
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  • Descarga  Multi Selector Tool v1.1.0 PES 2015 - by MikeEvolutionSoccer

    edicion pes 2015

    Game Options:

    - Play PES 2015
    - PES 2015 Settings
    - Change Game Mode (Online & Offline)
    - Access Save Folder
    - Access Download Folder
    - Restore PES 2015 Default Files


    - 9 Corner Flags
    - 2 Menu Fonts
    - 8 Replay Logos
    - 5 Logo Styles
    - 2 Nets Styles
    - 8 Referee Kits
    - 3 Ballpacks & Unlock Balls
    - 2 Bootpacks & Unlock Boots
    - Enable/Disable Crowd
    - 2 Menu Styles
    - Stadium Preview with Logo
    - 3 Turf Mod

    DpFileListGenerator 1.4 by Baris

    Other Features:

    - MES Contact Form
    - Option to change Selector’s Start Screen
    - Choose if Selector go to Notification Area or not when closing


    Install version 1.0.0 BETA of the Selector and then install this update (version 1.1.0) on the same folder as the beta version (PES 2015 Folder).

    Tamaño: 573,00 MB
    Agregado el: 2015-02-13 19:21:34
    Descargas: 664
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  • Descarga  PES Next-Gen Editor PES 2015 v0.9.0 - by razib_46

    editor pes 2015

    Novedades versión 0.9.0:

    - Search players by nationality (for player’s transfers)
    - Import player’s stats from FM 2015
    - Search FM 2015 players by names
    - Filter FM 2015 player’s search by club
    - Filter FM 2015 player’s search by nationality
    - Move players in formation with mouse
    - Export players in xls format (Excel)
    - Change all player’s names in upper, lower or first up format
    - Change all teams’s names in upper, lower or first up format
    - Change all manager’s names in upper, lower or first up format
    - Auto correct classic player’s fake name
    - Auto correct team’s fake name
    - Added keyborad shortcuts
    - General stability improvements
    - Reduced loading time (performance improvements)
    - Bug fix

    Cómo se usa:

    1 - Backup your EDIT.bin
    2 - Open EDIT.bin
    3 - Do all changes that you want
    4 - Save your progress

    Tamaño: 10,11 MB
    Agregado el: 2015-01-25 19:58:13
    Descargas: 2164
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  • Descarga  Sider Select v1.1 PES 2015 - by Juce

    edicion pes 2015

    edicion pes 2015

    edicion pes 2015


    - Desbloquea las entradas al terreno de juego.
    - Seleccionar lado ( local/visitante ) sin restricciones.


    - Descargar y descomprimir el archivo
    - Colocar esos 4 archivos en la carpeta raiz donde tienen el juego.
    - Van a ejecutar el archivo Sider.exe Run NO LO VAN A CERRAR SOLO MINIMIZARLO.
    - Ejecuten su Pes2015
    - Cuando pes 2015 muestra "pulse cualquier tecla" empujan cualquier tecla del teclado NO EN EL joystick.
    - Listo a jugar.

    Tamaño: 108 bytes
    Agregado el: 2014-12-21 20:33:52
    Descargas: 842
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  • Descarga  Sider Select v1.0 PES 2015- by Juce

    edicion pes 2015


    - Seleccionar lado ( local/visitante ) sin restricciones.

    Abrir el archivo readme.txt dentro del zip para ver las instrucciones. Es muy sencillo.

    Tamaño: 106 bytes
    Agregado el: 2014-12-15 00:00:19
    Descargas: 180
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  • Descarga  PES Next-Gen Editor PES 2015 v0.4.0 - by razib_46

    edicion pes 2015

    Este editor será muy similar al PES Editor by w!ld@ por lo que su uso será facil.

    Características version 0.4.0:

    - Players Editor:
    - Transfers Editor with Drag & Drop function

    Las próximas versiones incluirán las siguientes mejoras:

    - Teams Editor
    - Export/import players
    - Export/import teams
    - League editor
    - League structure editor
    - Global settings [Adjust team/players name in lowercase/uppercase]


    Alby #17; cabry; coragi; PrinçipeDade; SMcCutcheon; zioborgo

    Tamaño: 768 bytes
    Agregado el: 2014-12-07 21:54:49
    Descargas: 593
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  • Descarga  PES 2015 PC Converter From FM 2015 v4.0 by SPAF94

    edicion pes 2015

    ¿Cómo se usa?

    1 – Insert FM attributes to be entertained if it is to convert GR is not required to enter values in “Technical Attributes” on the other hand, if it is to convert other positions do not enter values in “Tech Attribute GR”

    2 – Select the Preferred movements that are where you see the positions in FM2015

    3 – Then choose the position and stats of PES 2015 will be converted.

    Tamaño: 56 bytes
    Agregado el: 2014-12-05 21:45:29
    Descargas: 203
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  • Descarga  Conversor de PC y PS3 a Xbox v1.2 PES 2015 - by Rocky5

    edicion pes 2015


    Bin Number Changer 1.1
    Automatically resigns/rehashes the CON files.
    Now supports Manager files. (Coach)
    General code improvements.

    PC to Xbox Converter update 1.1
    Auto decryption of PC save files.
    Automatically imports the bin files into the CON files and rebuilds them.
    General code improvements.

    PS3 to Xbox Converter update 1.2
    Automatically imports the bin files into the CON files and rebuilds them.
    General code improvements.

    PS3 to Xbox Converter update 1.1
    Auto decryption of PS3 save files.

    Tamaño: 3,61 MB
    Agregado el: 2014-12-03 16:35:27
    Descargas: 257
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  • Descarga  DpFileList Generator v1.1 PES 2015 - by Baris

    edicion pes 2015


    - Generate automatically DpFileList.bin
    - Select needed cpk-files
    - Sort selected cpk-Files (if needed)

    1) Choose your “download”-folder (or any folder that contains .cpk-files)
    2) Select cpk-files which should be in the DpFileList.bin
    3) Sort the selected cpk-files (if needed) via drag and drop
    4) Generate DpFileList.bin (your current DpFileList.bin will be backed up (DpFileList.bin.BACKUP))

    IMPORTANTE: Necesitas al menos JRE 8, Sino la aplicación no funcionará (descarga JRE 8 de Oracle).

    Tamaño: 236 bytes
    Agregado el: 2014-12-03 14:14:08
    Descargas: 2715
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  • Descarga  Conversor de PC y PS3 a Xbox PES 2015 - by Rocky5

    edicion pes 2015


    What this does is it converts PC & PS3 save files over to Xbox format, so you lot can get all the fancy PNG strips & logos. It will not convert PNG files to Xbox compatible files.

    So it converts the following.


    PS3 file types :

    Manager Images
    League/Cup Emblem data
    Team Emblem data
    Uniform data

    PC file types :

    Manager Images
    League/Cup Emblem data
    Team Emblem data
    Uniform data

    Bin Number Changer :

    This tool will rename any Converted Bin file to what ever number you want, just drag the .bin file onto the exe (in the same folder) & follow the onscreen instructions.


    PC to Xbox Converter v1.0
    PS3 to Xbox Converter v1.0
    Bin Number Changer v1.0


    This years it’s not a click & drag process due to the CON files being hashed to hell, they require rebuilding & the coding for that part is way above my head. (I did try)

    This is why Le Fluffie is required, this tool can rebuild CON files. (Horizon doubles the files size)

    The conversion part is still a click & wait process, I do all the heavy lifting, you just have to decrypt PC/PS3 files first & stick them in a CON file after I have converted them. (I create the corresponding CON file for each bin files.)

    Yes you read that right, decrypt the PS3/PC files, thanks to Konami they encrypted the save files for PS3 & PC, but I include links to the tools you need in the Read-Me.txt file

    Extra tools needed.

    Bruteforce Save Data

    Tamaño: 9,51 MB
    Agregado el: 2014-11-18 19:57:22
    Descargas: 332
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