Master League Tool PES 2019 v0.4 - by Baris

edicion pes 2019

What can I do with this tool?
You can shift your transfer and salary budget.

What is the purpose?
After playing some seasons in ML your players are sometimes requiring a very high salary. This may put you in the situation after a few years of playing that you have a high transfer budget, but the salary budget is too low to extend the contracts with these players.

Create a backup of your current save file (e.g. “ML00000000”)
Start PES 2019, load your save file and go to: Manager’s Office => Finance => Club Account Balance => note the value for “Player Salaries”
Start ML Tool and load the same save file (this might take a while!). Your ML save file will be located in: “C:Users\DocumentsKONAMIPRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019\save”
Enter the value which you found in 2. and click on “Apply”
Use the slider to shift the budget as you need
In the current directory where this ML Tool is located a new file with the same name as the loaded save file will be created. This file needs to be moved to your save folder (see location above)


- Tomato4cc & zlac (Evo-Web) for pesXdecrypter
- der_Chrise (PES Galaxy) research for needed offsets

Autor: Baris
Plataforma: Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 PC
Tamaño: 505 bytes
Agregado el: 11-09-2018 23:01:49
Descargas: 4104
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