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  • Descarga  DpFileList Generator v1.1 + DLC 3.00 PES 2019 - by Baris

    edicion pes 2019


    – Generate automatically DpFileList.bin with maximum of 47 CPKs
    – Select needed cpk-files
    – Sort selected cpk-Files (if needed) via Drag&Drop
    – Read already existing DpFileList.bin
    – Updated GUI using modern material design
    – [NEW] copy CPK list as string to clipboard
    – [NEW] Tool can be now used in offline mode


    1) Choose your “download” folder (or any folder that contains .cpk-files)
    Optional: 1.1) select already existing DpFileList.bin to preselect already used CPKs
    2) Select cpk-files which should be in the DpFileList.bin
    3) Sort the selected cpk-files (if needed) via drag and drop
    4) Generate DpFileList.bin (your current DpFileList.bin will be backed up (DpFileList.bin.BACKUP))

    IMPORTANTE: Necesitas tener Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 o superior


    1. How is the sorting logic of the application?
    At top of the generated DpFileList.bin the cpk file with the lowest priorty is arranged.
    2. I get an error while creating the DpFileList.bin.
    Try to rerun the tool as admin (right-click => run as administrator).
    3. “Error unable to find csv file”
    The “dlc.csv has to be in the “DpFileListGeneratorData” folder, please don’t change the data structure, otherwise the tool will not find the csv file.
    Just download the file, extract and run it.
    4. What is the maximum amount of CPKs that can be added?
    47 CPK files can be added.

    Tamaño: 1,70 MB
    Agregado el: 2018-12-07 09:42:48
    Descargas: 3119
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  • Descarga  File Crypter PES 2019 - by Devil Cold52

    edicion pes 2019


    - Decryption / Encryption of EDIT00000000
    - Unzlib / Zlib PES .bin files
    - Drag and Drop Function

    Tamaño: 1,77 Kb
    Agregado el: 2018-11-19 09:13:00
    Descargas: 571
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  • Descarga  PES Ftex Converter V1.0 Beta PES 2019 - by Devil Cold52

    edicion pes 2019


    - Convert ftex to dds
    - Convert dds to ftex
    - Support PES 2019 ftex version.

    Tamaño: 231 bytes
    Agregado el: 2018-11-10 19:07:36
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  • Descarga  Camera Tweak V1.03 PES 2019 PC - by MjTs-140914

    edicion pes 2019

    Control total de la camara en PES 2019 con esta herramienta de edición.

    Tamaño: 653 bytes
    Agregado el: 2018-09-17 22:23:30
    Descargas: 352
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  • Descarga  Master League Tool PES 2019 v0.4 - by Baris

    edicion pes 2019

    What can I do with this tool?
    You can shift your transfer and salary budget.

    What is the purpose?
    After playing some seasons in ML your players are sometimes requiring a very high salary. This may put you in the situation after a few years of playing that you have a high transfer budget, but the salary budget is too low to extend the contracts with these players.

    Create a backup of your current save file (e.g. “ML00000000”)
    Start PES 2019, load your save file and go to: Manager’s Office => Finance => Club Account Balance => note the value for “Player Salaries”
    Start ML Tool and load the same save file (this might take a while!). Your ML save file will be located in: “C:Users\DocumentsKONAMIPRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2019\save”
    Enter the value which you found in 2. and click on “Apply”
    Use the slider to shift the budget as you need
    In the current directory where this ML Tool is located a new file with the same name as the loaded save file will be created. This file needs to be moved to your save folder (see location above)


    - Tomato4cc & zlac (Evo-Web) for pesXdecrypter
    - der_Chrise (PES Galaxy) research for needed offsets

    Tamaño: 505 bytes
    Agregado el: 2018-09-11 23:01:49
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  • Descarga  Kit Studio PES2019 V1.0.0 - by zlac

    edicion pes 2019

    New features in 2019 version:
    Completely reworked Open/Save files work-flow – see the subsequent “Really, really, read me carefully” section ;)
    Fully automated UniformParameter.bin file handling
    On File > Open, all kit config .bin files are automatically extracted from UniformParameter.bin
    On File > Save, but only if you had modified at least one kit config .bin file, all the kit config .bin files are automatically re-built into a new UniformParameter.bin
    Kits preview option – enabled again, .ftex format is not an obstacle any more
    zoom in/out slider added
    Kits config options
    Several parameters are more accurate than before – Chest number X position, all X positions of sleeve patches (thanks to @shawminator and the 2019 beta-test crew: @Hawke, @mota10, @Lucas RK, @Cesc Fabregas)
    Several sleeve patch presets for the most common kit brands (Nike, Adidas, …) added – faster sleeve patches initial setting (thanks @mota10)
    All the unknown values are now also available for experimenting (thanks to @shawminator)
    “Import” button added – overwrites currently active kit config file with the contents of another kit config file.

    Features from older versions:
    Supports only PC files – console files are NOT supported directly (use multi-converter to convert your files from/to console formats)
    kits per team configuration
    kit types – normal, GK, CL (still available to choose, but won’t work in-game, due to removal of licensed Champions League mode)
    kit icons
    kit colors (for kit selection menu, etc.)
    add/remove kits to team (up to 10 kits per team)
    conversion of unlicensed team entries to licensed (to enable CL kits)
    ability to delete unwanted unlicensed team entries (e.g. duplicated teams)
    ability to add new team entries (e.g. for extra teams that you already created by yourself in Team.bin)
    ability to delete licensed team entries via popup menu
    saved .bin files are always zlib-compressed
    improved team filtering by name – filter boxes now accept all characters (interpunction, characters with umlauts, carets, etc.)
    filters accept team Id’s and team names
    hex color-codes displayed in color pickers
    export/import of individual licensed team entries via popup menu
    mass csv export/import for all teams
    colored mini-kit icons preview (based on PES 2015 kit icons – may not be 100% accurate for PES 2019)
    ability to unlicense licensed team entries (two options – unlicensing of the unicolor entry only or unlicensing in both unicolor.bin and team.bin file) via pop-up menu
    realUni .bin config files editing
    synchronization of kit references between UniColor.bin and EDIT00000000 (from Unicolor to EDIT only) – semi-experimental option that may (or may not) solve the problems that appear when changes to kit distribution in UniColor do not show in-game because the game (i.e. community patches) is already using EDIT00000000 file with different kit distribution.
    ability to delete kits stored in EDIT00000000, that were created in Edit mode (two options – deletion of all edit mode kits per individual licensed team (on ‘Licensed UniColor entries’ tab) and global deletion of each and every edit mode kit available (on ‘Misc’ tab)) – another semi-experimental feature which may or may not solve the problems that appear because data in UniColor and EDIT00000000 are not ideally synchronized.

    Tamaño: 11,73 MB
    Agregado el: 2018-09-09 13:14:18
    Descargas: 416
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  • Descarga  Conversor de Stats de Football Manager a PES 2019 - by wyffy11

    edicion pes 2019


    Decidí crear un conversor de FM a PES para hacer que las estadísticas de los jugadores sean más realistas, y que no haya tanta diferencia entre jugadores y equipos.

    Es un proceso automático, por lo que si hay un desajuste es por la valoración en el FM2018. No mires demasiado la valoración global, ni la que se muestra es la del juego, ni creo que la del juego esté bien adaptada.
    Por ejemplo, los laterales parecen muy sobrevalorados, pero según sus estadísticas, no lo son.

    Es un archivo Excel con Macros, y solo he podido probarlo con Excel 2016. Tienes que habilitar las macros para que funcionen.

    Su uso es muy fácil:
    - Botón "Buscar un equipo": busca y elige un equipo, presiona imprimir a los jugadores y elige la ruta donde los quieras. Si un archivo se queda en blanco, vuelva a imprimir el jugador en la lista (error de Microsoft).
    - Botón "Buscar un jugador": busca y elija el jugador, presiona imprimir y elije la ruta deseada. Si un archivo se queda en blanco, vuelve a imprimir el jugador en la lista (error de Microsoft).
    - Botón "PayPal Donar": todas las donaciones serán bien recibidas.

    Otras opciones:

    - Botón "Importar .csv desde FMRTE": El programa tiene varias ligas precargadas con sus jugadores, pero puedes importar más jugadores que no estén. Si posteo una carpeta con más jugadores para importar, ve al punto número 3.
    1. Primero tienes que comenzar un juego en Football Manager 2018, mejor en la primera fecha (sin stats del jugador cambiados).
    2. Abre el FMRTE (la versión gratuita funciona), carga el juego, busca los jugadores en el motor de búsqueda, selecciónalo todo y expórtalos en .csv.
    3. A continuación, presiona el botón "Importar .csv desde FMRTE" en el programa y elije la carpeta donde están los archivos exportados (tarda aproximadamente 10 minutos por cada 500 jugadores).
    4. Si el nombre del archivo contiene un carácter especial, aparecerá un mensaje para cambiarlo, de lo contrario, la función no lo reconocerá.

    - Botón "Transferir actualización": elije el archivo ".csv" con las transferencias que proporcionaré, y todos los jugadores del programa se actualizarán en su equipo correspondiente.

    El programa se guarda automáticamente cuando se cierra, de modo que si has cargado nuevos jugadores, puedes imprimirlos incluso si cierras el Excel.

    Y si tienes un pack de caras para el FM (p.e. de en esta ruta:
    my documents/sports interactive/football manager 2018/graphics/faces
    la cara del jugador aparecerá en el archivo impreso con los stats.

    Para consultas y más información, este es el tema oficial en el foro:

    Tamaño: 23,25 MB
    Agregado el: 2018-09-08 23:10:46
    Descargas: 232
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  • Descarga  Sider 5.0.1 PES 2019 - by Juce

    edicion pes 2019


    - Support for full game and the demo.
    - LiveCPK.
    - Free side select : move controllers freely in all game modes.
    - Camera.lua : allows to tweak ranges of zoom, height, and angle for custom camera. See camera.ini – for the settings. All credit to @nesa24 for camera research!.

    Some other features are still in development,
    but not done yet:

    - Working on getting all events implemented for Lua scripting,
    - And another cool new feature, but secret for now :)

    Tamaño: 1,34 MB
    Agregado el: 2018-09-01 13:50:10
    Descargas: 417
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  • Descarga  Team Editor Tool Beta PES 2019 - by MFZ69

    edicion pes 2019


    - Cambiar el nombre del equipo
    - Cambiar el nombre corto
    - Cambiar el Team ID

    - Cómo se usa:

    1- Descomprime el archivo
    2- Ejecua “PES 2019 TE.exe”
    3- Abre “Team.bin”
    4- A jugar !

    Tamaño: 20,62 MB
    Agregado el: 2018-08-25 13:32:20
    Descargas: 416
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  • Descarga  DpFileList Generator v1.0 PES 2019 PC - by Baris

    DpFileList Generator pes 2019


    - Generate automatically DpFileList.bin with maximum of 47 CPKs
    - Select needed cpk-files
    - Sort selected cpk-Files (if needed) via Drag&Drop
    - Read already existing DpFileList.bin
    - Updated GUI using modern material design
    - improved automatic update of dlc.csv (even periodically every week or every two weeks): no need to manually update your dlc.csv or re-download this tool again!
    - [NEW] copy CPK list as string to clipboard
    - [NEW] Tool can be now used in offline mode


    1) Choose your “download”-folder (or any folder that contains .cpk-files)
    Optional: 1.1) select already existing DpFileList.bin to preselect already used CPKs
    2) Select cpk-files which should be in the DpFileList.bin
    3) Sort the selected cpk-files (if needed) via drag and drop
    4) Generate DpFileList.bin (your current DpFileList.bin will be backed up (DpFileList.bin.BACKUP))


    Necesitas tener instalado .NET Framework 4.5 para que funcione.

    1. How is the sorting logic of the application?
    At top of the generated DpFileList.bin the cpk file with the lowest priorty is arranged.

    2. I get an error while creating the DpFileList.bin.
    Try to rerun the tool as admin (right-click => run as administrator).

    3. “Error unable to find csv file”
    The “dlc.csv has to be in the “DpFileListGeneratorData” folder, please don’t change the data structure, otherwise the tool will not find the csv file.
    Just download the file, extract and run it.

    4. What is the maximum amount of CPKs that can be added?
    47 CPK files can be added.

    Tamaño: 2,37 MB
    Agregado el: 2018-08-20 18:54:56
    Descargas: 3062
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